Everytime when my phone rings, it brings with it more and more tensions and problems and what not. With more than 40 calls a day, I've already started feeling like a call center agent working as a part time journalist. 90% of these calls are from the PR guys, only to confirm if I've received the press releases that they sent over the e-mail. I wonder what's the purpose of e-mails and acknowledgment features of the Outlook and Lotus Notes!
Tired of so many calls a day I made a wish...God! why can't I just get rid of my phone all together? Do something..please!...And there I go...in the middle of the Dubai desert I see the divine light. My phone was gone before I knew it and I was so glad that though not for long, I'll have some peace of mind.
But as the Murphy's law states..Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way. I didn't just lose the only cell phone I had but also lost all the contacts in it (since I never bothered to take a back up, being an optimistic person) apart from losing some candid shots I had captured and not to mention the recordings of the event that I went to cover in Dubai.
As soon as I returned to India, I was forced to get a new SIM and a temporary phone, with no contacts in it. I had to dig out e-mails, chat histories and business cards to retrieve some of the contacts. After over a week I was still begging over the mails to get back contacts. With no mobile Internet, no mobile camera and recording options, I was forced to use my age-old Nokia 1100(yes, the same torch waala phone). Though I couldn't do anything much on that phone apart from making and receiving calls, I liked the fact that I didn't have to charge this phone everyday (unlike N72 which required 2 hr of charging everyday). I was pretty happy with my simple phone and decided to delay my plan for buying a new handset for at least a month or two. But then again, things can never work the way you expect them to. Even my 1100 gave up on me within a couple of days and I was left with no choice but to look for a new phone.
Finally, I bought Nokia E-71, after pushing my budget as much as I could. Now, I'm just trying to careful with what I wish, as you never know, the wish just might come true!
Finally, I bought Nokia E-71, after pushing my budget as much as I could. Now, I'm just trying to careful with what I wish, as you never know, the wish just might come true!