Sitting in the conference hall of Shangri La, I was waiting for the launch of Intex's new range of laptops. Soon enough, a young lady took the podium and after welcoming everyone started announcing something. I was attending to an important sms while this happened. Suddenly, I heard a huge round of applause from the crowd. Bewildered with the sudden applause, I turned my complete attention to the stage.
There was something happening on the stage that gave me a feeling of déjà vu. After straining my memory a bit I realized that I experienced a similar event a month ago. It was the prize distribution ceremony of my 8 years old nephew's fancy dress competition. Here, I was seeing some Intex personnel being invited on stage to receive a bouquet of flowers from some unknown lady just because they were about to give their presentations (Wow!..what an achievement). This confused me even more as I started wondering why the hell are people clapping!
So, as I looked around to see who's actually clapping for no reason, I realized that about 90% of the crowd comprised of people from Intex itself (I could recognize them as all of them were wearing some fancy red Intex T-shirts) and so it's needless to say who the real culprits were.
Well, after their moments of glory, the Intex guys started giving their presentations about the company and their products. While, their ‘Oh so interesting’ presentations went on, I took a sneak peek in my press kit and noticed something really shocking! In the specs of one of the laptops that Intex was launching, its weight was mentioned as 3.95 kgs. So, I immediately raised a question to the Intex spokesperson to confirm if that was a printing error and if not then why in the world would anyone want to buy such a mammoth. His reply was even more shocking. He said, “This particular notebook is targeted at gamers who do not require mobility.” I guess he forgot that he was talking about a ‘mobile’ computer. The presentations went on with further interesting revelations: “The gaming notebook is priced 'competitively' at Rs 76,000(this was the same 4 kg mammoth)…It has a dhai saw GB (250 GB) hard disk…sitambar mein (in September) we’ll be launching more notebooks (not sure which language to use)….”

Completely tired of the whole thing, half of the journalists decided to take a leave while the drama was still on. I stayed on to get hands on experience with the notebooks that were on display. While, I started to check out one of the notebooks, a young girl from the company politely told me not to touch the notebooks. I wasn’t sure if that was an extremely rude behavior towards a technology journalist(whom they only invited to check out the notebooks) who sees much more expensive and much more sophisticated gadgets everyday or was she just considerate that I don’t get hurt from their 4 kg mammoth.
There was something happening on the stage that gave me a feeling of déjà vu. After straining my memory a bit I realized that I experienced a similar event a month ago. It was the prize distribution ceremony of my 8 years old nephew's fancy dress competition. Here, I was seeing some Intex personnel being invited on stage to receive a bouquet of flowers from some unknown lady just because they were about to give their presentations (Wow!..what an achievement). This confused me even more as I started wondering why the hell are people clapping!
So, as I looked around to see who's actually clapping for no reason, I realized that about 90% of the crowd comprised of people from Intex itself (I could recognize them as all of them were wearing some fancy red Intex T-shirts) and so it's needless to say who the real culprits were.
Well, after their moments of glory, the Intex guys started giving their presentations about the company and their products. While, their ‘Oh so interesting’ presentations went on, I took a sneak peek in my press kit and noticed something really shocking! In the specs of one of the laptops that Intex was launching, its weight was mentioned as 3.95 kgs. So, I immediately raised a question to the Intex spokesperson to confirm if that was a printing error and if not then why in the world would anyone want to buy such a mammoth. His reply was even more shocking. He said, “This particular notebook is targeted at gamers who do not require mobility.” I guess he forgot that he was talking about a ‘mobile’ computer. The presentations went on with further interesting revelations: “The gaming notebook is priced 'competitively' at Rs 76,000(this was the same 4 kg mammoth)…It has a dhai saw GB (250 GB) hard disk…sitambar mein (in September) we’ll be launching more notebooks (not sure which language to use)….”

Completely tired of the whole thing, half of the journalists decided to take a leave while the drama was still on. I stayed on to get hands on experience with the notebooks that were on display. While, I started to check out one of the notebooks, a young girl from the company politely told me not to touch the notebooks. I wasn’t sure if that was an extremely rude behavior towards a technology journalist(whom they only invited to check out the notebooks) who sees much more expensive and much more sophisticated gadgets everyday or was she just considerate that I don’t get hurt from their 4 kg mammoth.
A 4 kg laptop that too when people are talking about less than 1 kg notebooks!!! I thought my 2 kg Acer laptop was too heavy to carry...If I start carrying a 4 kg laptop I think apart from hernia I'll get I don't what all diseases!!
Nice one varun! I am using Stroller Carry case for my Dell Inspiron which weighs abt 2.8 kg. Wonder whether we need a pizza delivery box attached to vehicle for its mobility...I have bookmarked ur blog and will be regular here.
Thanks for the support guys...I'm glad its not just me finding a 4 kg notebook a mammoth.:-)...I'll try to keep this blog as updated and regular as possible
hahahha sarcasm galore, from the title to the very last line. :D loved it!:D
Well nicely written though I found the topic a lil out of context. I understand that its supposed to be the irony or the sarcasm but then the hernia sounded too out of place. And it sounded a lil rushed up towards the end though nice observations i must say bout how the sales girl acted grupmy.
And a 4kg lappy. Are they give away fake plastic laps to keep them on
A 4 kg laptop...nah doesnt sound good, Ok lemme try again...a 4000gm Laptop!! r u kidding...thank god they dint say they launching a mobile phone which says "WARNING It sud only be used while its stationary" ahhhh...all this while i thought that the technology is changing more like our matrimonial ads "SLIM, BEAUTIFUL, FAIR, just perfect and handy for your hands, arms, laps and fingers too, every guys first choice" lol...ok we really need to turn our face up front China...atleast they can give us something handy which cud work for a month...aaah...ok atleast a week..hey guys comeon now u wont get a cheap and better deal elsewhere...:-P
On a serious note, it could be a handy gadget for the fems who would find themselves in eve-teasing situations too often. just sayin....
Gamers don't need mobility!!!!!!!.. I wonder what are those market research guys paid for.. If I, as a gamer do not want mobility, Why on earth I wud by a laptop. I wil stick to ma Gforce 8600 Desktop for ma ultimate gaming experience.. I would be able to buy at least 2 of those for that price.. As of now this 2kg thinkpad is enuf for me :).. Anyways nice stuff man .. keep posting these journo experiences.. they take me back in time.. ;)
get me two lappies, with carry handles, and before the sun goes down thrice, i'll have the musckles.
(and the hernia too, probably, but oh well you can't have everything)
I must ask you one question Varun,How do you manage to get all the fun :). I must shift from my IT job to being a journalist :). Now to some serious stuff, i really wish the engineers and the organization meant 4 pounds instead of 4 Kg. Another question which comes to my mind is that if they are targeting a clientèle of gamers,who according to the presenter , does not need mobility(Which is wrong).WHY THE HELL HAVE THEY COME OUT WITH A NOTEBOOK, who's mere purpose is mobility. Varun i guess instead of being a journalist, you should be given a portfolio of finding jokers within a pack of clowns :)). First you find our amusing marketing director of Nokia and now this:). I must say i am finding this blog very helpful in terms of having a light moment after end of a hectic day and thanking Varun for that :). Seriously, a Notebook of 4Kg is like going back to stone age, when organization like sony and Dell are making their notebooks light in weight and fast in speed at the same time, our friend here is making heavier and bulky as a sucker punch for Sony and Dell :). Money well burnt in their development, when Apple has come up with a Macbook which is just 1.3 Kg and pretty fast. I guess their motto is to actually prove the advertisement, which goes by "So easy a caveman can do it".way to go Varun
Hmmmm.......Nice, interesting and entertaining. Will look out for more.
great work varun...
varun, i find your title a bit sexist.. :P its cheating actually, men may get a free hernia when they buy this laptop, but what do wimmen get? :( far as I know hernia is not specifically for men....but in anycase its not just hernia that you get free with the also get big biceps (before you call me sexist again, let me let you that there are also women who are wrestlers) and women can find it handy to deal with eve teasers as suggested by pushkar !!
And btw, please do not call the intex guys as ''The culprits''. Afterall, they are getting paid to wear them red fancy free teeshirts and attending the seminar and applauding their bosses :P.
Rest overall, you have been making a brilliant use of criticism in your articles..:D
Oh...did I write that they were the culprits...I don't think so :p
hi Varun, seems like sarcasm is ur forte...good one..!!just noticed a couple of grammatical errors..(cudnt help it, being a teacher that im:P)
1. Prize distribution ceremony instead of price...
2. end of the second paragraph: wondering why the hell ARE people clapping...
3. end of it..who the real culprits were...verb position
looking forward to reading much more from yaa..!! and dont mind my t(r)eacherous activity..:P no offence intended...just to make ur blog better..!!
Hi kishmish79...your t(r)eacherous skills don't seem to be working too well...I don't see any of the errors mentioned by you :p
ur fast in rectifying ur mistakes...but slow in accepting dem.. :P
and ur treacherous skills seem to be working fine...hehehehhee
best of luck..!!
Its not about 'not accepting the mistakes'...its about tit for tat...just being smart :p
Come on people look on the brighter side
In the time when all the gadgets are coming out with some thing new to sell more
This specific company has come out with this state of the art laptop .With this you can forget about your work out schedule and no need to keep away from those lovely dinners and official lunch…. … jus carry it around to meetings and presentations .. n know what can eat your favorite pizza too……….just carry this shit around….and you will lose 3 kg’s by the next weekend……
Gosh 4 kg’s are we talking about a laptop !!!!!!!!!!!!!
All said n done way to go Varun..
hahaha nice one varun ..m happy tht i got a nice one as m nt a weight-lifter hihi...
varun, sorry it was ''My Bad'' regarding the culprit thing i commented upon.. but i am still not that smart enough to figure out who ''the real culprits'' were.. :S...
anyways,regarding the topic... i did not mention it earlier, if you basically look upon the current date cnet reviews on weights and the competitive prices for ''gaming laptops''... or if you just google that up.. you could actually observe that a gaming laptop starts with weight around 3.6kgs and ranges upto 9kgs.. :S... and again.. i am not arguing.. just making a comment as usual... :P..
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